Health and Well being Summer Camp

Free fun Health and Well-being sessions on offer for Mandeville children at the Summer Camp being held at Mandeville Primary School
Mandeville and Kingsmead Primary Schools are delighted to be able to offer four weeks of free healthy and fun activities for our pupils over the summer holidays. From Monday 20th July to Friday 14th August twice daily 2 hours sessions will be offered on a first come first served basis for a range of sports and physical activities sessions. Rap/song writing and cooking sessions will also run but will only be for specific children who have been invited to take part. Most of the sessions are aimed at children from Years 3, 4, 5 & 6, however two Multi Sport sessions will run every week specifically for children in Years 1 & 2. Below are the timetables for each week. A PDF of these can also be found at the bottom of this page.
Venue: Mandeville Primary School, Oswald Street, London E5 0BT
Week 1 - w/c 20th July
Week 2 - w/c 27th July
Week 3 - w/c 3rd August
Week 4 - w/c 10th August