Junior Leadership Team

We have created a Junior Leadership Team (JLT). at Mandeville!
The role of the JLT is to act as a link between the children in our school, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the Governors of Mandeville Primary School. JLT members will have a special role in making sure that the children in our school have a voice and opportunities to evaluate and develop our school, so that it continues to grow.
Last week, children who made it through the selection process had their interviews with members of the SLT. It was a fantastic opportunity to show off their skills and impress the judging panel with their answers. They did amazingly well for their first time! Well done to the following children who made it to the interview process; Leigha, Sofia, Catherina, Rozerin, Neriah, Adam, Jemimah, Dareen, Nia, Nevaeh and Ebube.
As there are 5 members of SLT, there were 5 pupils chosen for the JLT role. A huge well done to Catherina-year 2, Rozerin- year 3, Jemimah-year 4, Nevaeh and Ebube- year 5. Members of the JLT will shadow a member of SLT to ensure they have sufficient training to conduct their roles and they will then work closely together to develop the school ethos.
“I was very nervous and sweaty during the interview. After a while, I felt comfortable like I was having a conversation with a friend. I am very happy to have got the role & my parents are very proud of me.”- Jemimah, yr 4
“When I found out that I won, I was so excited! I want to help the children and fundraise for the school. Also, in the future, I want to be a leader.”- Rozerin, yr 3
“Oh my gosh, I couldn’t believe it. I thought I wasn’t confident enough but I was. I am very happy & can’t wait to start.”- Catherina, yr 2
“I am very proud of all the children! They conducted themselves with such professionalism and their interviews were to a very high standard. We have lots of future leaders in the school and we can’t wait to get started.” – Kaltum, Assistant Headteacher