Unboxed animation project
'Unboxed' is a multimedia project that Mandeville Primary School completed with A Little Learning, an East London based educational organisation that works with schools to develop pupils’ skills, creativity and digital learning through exciting cross-disciplinary projects.
A group of facilitators worked in the Spring Term with all students from Year 2 to Year 6 to research and brainstorm on the themes of Black History, the Local Area and the children’s Future Aspirations. Different classes of children worked on the various disciplines required to create this short film. The project also held masterclasses for four selected groups of pupils developing student leadership and pupil voice: Production Team, Narrators Team, Music and Sound Team and Master Animators Team.
The Production Team assisted A Little Learning, facilitators in the production process of the programme, and in doing so achieved a qualification in the Arts ,accredited by Trinity College London, called Arts Award Discover.
The project was part of an East London initiative under the East London Cultural Education Alliance called Creative Schools and forms a core part of the school's Artsmark process.
Click on the link below to view this exciting animation project: